Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Shami Publishing Library- How To Start A Business in 7 Days

Sometimes you need a starting point to get your ideas off the ground. Using How To Start A Business in 7 Days is a simple guide  that can help you understand the basics of business planning. Here is a book that will be loved by entrepreneurs, business moguls and aspiring business owners too.

 Entrepreneurs and business savvy individuals always seek different sources for inspiration. Without balance happiness is elusive. As an entrepreneur you should not equate your happiness to financial success but to something that is more sustainable.

Bob Shami inspired by the likes of Anthony Robbins, Chrissy Makulsky and Richard Branson has authored several books with the purpose of education and self-fulfillment. “How To Start A Business In 7 Days” is a book about those who want to know how to start their own company from the ground up. There is no conventional way to reading the book. It serves as a reference and reminder of what are the things you need to consider to start your business. Sometimes a refresher is always needed. After reading this book you would know how to start a business, save money and remain successful as you do it.
The book has ten chapters including Find It For Free, a chapter dedicated to being resourceful and using what you already have and who you already know to get your business started and keep it running for years to come. 
“How To Start A Business in 7 Days” can be purchased on Amazon.com

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